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IIT-JAM (Video Lectures + Test Series)

All the Lectures are in complete detail and all the concepts are explained very well

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Language: English+Hindi

Validity Period: 365 days

₹13000 15.39% OFF

₹10999 including GST


Why this course?


This Package course include IIT-JAM Video Lectures + Test Series

→ In the Video lecures JAM SYLLABUS is completely covered

→ Test series is for IIT-JAM Geology Exam. These mocks are prepared strictly keeping in mind the syllabus, standard and pattern of exam. The test series has Sectional test and Mock test hat will help you in preparing for the Exam and identify your weak areas for revision.

The topics include:

  1. The Planet Earth: Origin of the Solar System and the Earth; Geosphere and the composition of the Earth; Shape and size of the earth; Earth-moon system; Formation of continents and oceans; Dating rocks and age of the Earth; Volcanism and volcanic landforms; Interior of earth; Earthquakes; Earth's magnetism and gravity, Isostasy; Elements of Plate tectonics; Orogenic cycles.
  2. Geomorphology: Weathering and erosion; Transportation and deposition due to wind, ice, river, sea, and resulting landforms, Structurally controlled landforms.
  3. Structural Geology: Concept of stratum; Contour; Outcrop patterns; Maps and cross sections; Dip and strike; Classification and origin of folds, faults, joints, unconformities, foliations and lineations,; shear zones. Stereographic and equal area projections of planes and lines; computation of true thickness of beds from outcrops and bore-holes.
  4. Palaeontology: Major steps in the evolution of life forms; Fossils; their mode of preservation and utility; Morphological characters, major evolutionary trends and ages of important groups of animals - Brachiopoda, Mollusca, Trilobita, Graptolitoidea, Anthozoa, Echinodermata; Gondwana plant fossils; Elementary idea of verterbrate fossils in India.
  5. Stratigraphy: Principles of stratigraphy; Litho-, chrono- and biostratigraphic classification; distribution and classification of the stratigraphic horizons of India from Archaean to Recent.
  6. Mineralogy: Symmetry and forms in common crystal classes; Physical properties of minerals; Isomorphism and polymorphism, Classification of minerals; Structure of silicates; Mineralogy of common rock-forming minerals; Mode of occurrence of minerals in rocks. Transmitted polarised light microscopy and optical properties of uniaxial and biaxial minerals.
  7. Petrology: Definition and classification of rocks;
    1. Igneous rocks-forms of igneous bodies; Crystallization from magma; classification, association and genesis of igneous rocks;
    2. Sedimentary rocks - classification, texture and structure; size and shape of sedimentary bodies.
    3. Metamorphic rocks - classification, facies, zones and texture. Characteristic mineral assemblages of pelites in the Barrovian zones and mafic rocks in common facies.
  8. Economic Geology: Properties of common economic minerals; General processes of formation of mineral deposits; Physical characters; Mode of occurrence and distribution in India both of metallic and non-metallic mineral deposits; Coal and petroleum occurrences in India.
  9. Applied Geology: Ground Water; Principles of Engineering Geology


Package Contents

IIT-JAM Video Lectures 2024-25 (New Set)
Harsh Sir and Sagar Sir
IIT-JAM Video Lectures
IIT-JAM Video Lectures 2024-25
IIT-JAM 2024-25 Test Series

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