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IIT-JAM Live Online Classes 2023-24

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Language: English+Hindi

Instructors: GeoCon


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This Package is designed for all students who are preparing for IIT-JAM 2023

Features include:

  • Live Classes with 2-way communication
  • Daily Concept Building Problems
  • Weekly Cumulative Tests
  • Regular Doubt Sessions
  • Personal attention to every student
  • Test Series and Question Bank for more practice

For more Queries please WhatsApp/Call: +91-8559874570

Course Curriculum

Welcome Aspirants!
Weekly Test
Weekly Test #1 (Basic PCMB 1)
Weekly Test #2 Mineralogy (Physical Properties and Structure)
Weekly Test #3 Mineralogy (Optical)
Weekly Test #4 Mineralogy (Optical_II)
Discussion_Weekly Test #4
Weekly Test #5 (Structural Geology_I)
Discussion_Weekly Test #5
Weekly Test #6 (Structural Geology_II)
Weekly Test #7 (Crystallography)
Weekly Test #8 (Stress and Strain)
Weekly Test #9 (Structural and Sedimentology)
Weekly Test #10 (Sedimentology)
Weekly Test #11 (Sedimentology)
Weekly Test 11 (Discussion)
Weekly Test #12 (Igneous Petrology)
Weekly Test #13 (Igneous Petrology)
Weekly Test #14 (Igneous Rocks)
Weekly Test #15 (Metamorphic Petrology)
Weekly Test #16 (Hydrology)
Weekly Test #17 (Paleontology-Part 1)
Weekly Test #18 (Paleontology-Part_2)
Weekly Test #19 (Geomorphology-Part 1)
Weekly Test #20 (Structural maps)
Weekly Test #21 (Fluvial and Geochemistry)
Weekly Test #22 (Radiometric dating)
Weekly Test #23 (Solar system and Earth)
Weekly Test #24 (Planet Earth)
Weekly Test #25 (Cumulative test #1)
Weekly Test #26 (Economic Geology)
Weekly Test #26 (Test Discussion)
Weekly Test #27 (Economic Geology_2)
Weekly Test 28 (Engineering Geology and Economic Geology)
Weekly Test 29 (Stratigraphy)
Weekly Test 30 (Stratigraphy & Tectonics)
Weekly Test 2nd Session
2nd Session Weekly Test_1 (Basic PCM)
2nd Session Weekly Test_2 (Structural and Mineralogy)
2nd Session Weekly Test_3 (Structural and Min&Cryst)
2nd Session Weekly Test_4 (Structural Map and Min&Cryst)
2nd Session Weekly Test_5 (Weathering and Transport and Structural)
2nd Session Weekly Test_6 (Sedi)
2nd Session Weekly Test_7 (Sedi. and Structural)
2nd Session Weekly Test_8 (Igneous)
2nd Session Weekly Test_9 (Igneous & Hydrology)
2nd Session Weekly Test_11 (Fluvial and Palaeontology)
2nd Session Weekly Test_12 (Palaeontology)
Revision Test
Revision Test #1 (Structural Geology)
Revision Test #2 (Mineralogy and Sedimentary Petrology)
Revision Test #3 (Igneous Petrology)
Basic PCMB
Understanding Units and Its Conversions
BASIC PCMB CBP#1 Unit and Conversion
Important Unit Conversions (20 pages)
Understanding Graphs
Understanding Graphs (19 pages)
Understanding Waves and EM spectrum
Waves (8 pages)
Understanding Thermodynamics
Understanding Trigonometry
BASIC CBPM CBP#3 Trigonometry
Understanding Mole Concept and Periodic trends
Mole concept and periodic trends (59 pages)
Mineralogy & Crystallography
Min & Cryst #1_Introduction to the Topic
MIneralogy_Physical Properties (35 pages)
Min&Cryst CBP#1
Min & Cryst #1_Understading Mineral Structures_Part-1
Min&Cryst CBP#2
Min & Cryst #1_Understading Mineral Structures_Part-2
Min & Cryst #1_Understading Mineral Structures_Part-3
Co-ordination number & Silicate Strcutures (45 pages)
Min & Cryst #1_Understanding Optical Mineralogy_Part-1
Min&Cryst CBP#3
Min & Cryst #1_Understanding Optical Mineralogy_Part-2
Min & Cryst #1_Understanding Optical Mineralogy_Part-3 (Double Refraction and Uniaxial Minerals)
Min&Cryst CBP#4
Min & Cryst #8_Understanding Optical Mineralogy_Part-4 (Birefringence and Interference figure))
Min & Cryst #9_Understanding Optical Mineralogy_Part-5 (Interference figure)
Min & Cryst #10_Understanding Optical Mineralogy_Part-5 (Biaxial Minerals)
Min & Cryst #11_Understanding Optical Mineralogy_Part-5 (Extinction angle)
optical (80 pages)
Min & Cryst #12_Crystallography_Part-1 (Introduction)
Min & Cryst #13_Crystallography_Part-2 (H-M Symbol)
crystallography-1 (42 pages)
Min&Cryst CBP#5
Min & Cryst #14_Crystallography_Part-3 (H-M Symbol)
H-M symbol (19 pages)
Min & Cryst #15_Crystallography_Part-3 (Stereo-projection of H-M Symbols)
Min&Cryst CBP#6
Stereoprojection of H-M Symbol (19 pages)
Min & Cryst #16_Crystallography_Part-4 (Crystallographic Calculations)
crystallographic Calculations (24 pages)
Min & Cryst #17_Crystallography_Part-5 (Crystallographic Calculations)
Min & Cryst #18_Crystallography_Part-6 (X-ray Diffraction)
x-ray diffraction (18 pages)
Min&Cryst CBP#7
Min & Cryst #19_Crystallography_Part-7 (Twinning & Polymorphism)
Twinning & polymorphism (17 pages)
Space group (12 pages)
Structural Geology
Structural_#1_Primary structures & Unconformity
Struc. Geo. CBP-1
Structural 1 primary structures (19 pages)
Structural 2 unconformity (34 pages)
Structural 3 folds_basics (28 pages)
Structural_#3_Dip and strike
Geological Maps lecture 1 (11 pages)
Struc. Geo. CBP-2
Struc. Geo. CBP-3
Structural 4 folds (II) a (63 pages)
Structural_#5_Fold (cont.)
Structural 4 folds (III) (29 pages)
Structural_#6_Fold_Ramsay's Classification
Structural_#7_Introduction to faults
Struc. Geo. CBP-4
Strucutral 5 faults (46 pages)
Structural_#10_Normal Faults
Strucutral 6 faults Systems (53 pages)
Structural Geology_7 (Stress and Strain)
Structural Geology_8 (Stress and Mohr's Circle)
Struc. Geo. CBP-5
Structural Geology_9 (Types of Stress)
Structural Geology_9 (Strain)
Struc. Geo. CBP-6
Structural Geology_10 (Strain Analysis)
Structural 6 stress and strain (57 pages)
Structural Geology_11 (Rock Deformation)
Structural Geology_12 (Fracture Criteria)
Structural Geology_13 (Fracture Criteria_2)
Structural_Experimental rock Deformation (38 pages)
Structural Geology_14 (Mechanism of Folding)
Struc. Geo. CBP-7
Structural (Mechanism of Folding) (28 pages)
Structural Geology_15 (Tertiary Structures)
Structural Geology_16 (Tertiary Structures contd)
Tertiary structures (Foliation and Lineations) (53 pages)
Struc. Geo. CBP-8
Structural Geology_17_Maps#1
Structural Geology_18_Maps#2
Structural Geology_19_Maps#3
Structural Geology_20_Maps#4
Geological Maps (33 pages)
Structural Geology_21_Maps#5
Structural Geology_22_Maps#6
Structural Geology_23_Maps#7
Stereonet (12 pages)
Sedimentology_2 (Weathering)
Sedimentology #1 weathering (48 pages)
Sedimentology CBP-1
Sedimentology_2 (Transport)
Sedimentology #2 transport basics (16 pages)
Sedimentology_2 (Transport Contd)
Sedimentology_3 (Transport Contd)
Sedimentology #2 transport (40 pages)
Sedimentology_4 (Mass wasting)
Sedimentology_5 (Sediment Structures)
Sedimentology #3 mass wasting (47 pages)
Sedimentology #4 Structures_Bedding (11 pages)
Sedimentology CBP-2
Sedimentology_6_Sediment Structures
Sedimentology_7_(Sediment Structures cont.)
Sedimentology #5 Structures_Bedding_2 (40 pages)
Sedimentology CBP-3
Sedimentology_8_Soft Sediments Structures
Sedimentology_9_Sedimentary Textures
Sedimentology #6 Soft sediment structures (73 pages)
Sedimentology #7 sedimentary_textures (12 pages)
Sedimentology CBP-4
Sedimentology_11_Classification (Cont.)
Sedimentology #8 Sedimentary_classification (70 pages)
Sedimentology #9 Sedimentary environment (16 pages)
Sedimentology_14_Fluvial_Environments (cont)
Sedimentology #10 meandering and braided (22 pages)
Sedimentology CBP-5
Sedimentology_15_Continental environments
Sedimentology_16_Marine environments
Sedimentology #10 Continental_environment (21 pages)
Sedimentology #11_Marine environment (24 pages)
Sedimentology_18_Sequence_stratigraphy (cont)
Sedimentology #12 sequence stratigraphy (87 pages)
Sedimentology CBP-6
Sedimentology #13 Carbonates
Sedimentology #14_Doubts
Sedimentology #13 Carbonates (24 pages)
Igneous Petrology
Igneous Petrology #1 (Introduction)
Igneous Petrology #2 (Igneous Rock Classification)
igneous 1 (26 pages)
Igneous CBP#1
Igneous Petrology #3 (Mineral Growth and Textures)
Igneous Petrology #4 (Textures)
Igneous CBP#2
Igneous Petrology #5 (Phase Rule and Phase diagram)
Textures (25 pages)
Igneous Petrology #5 (Binary Phase diagram)
Igneous CBP#3
Igneous Petrology #6 (Binary Peritectic Phase diagram)
Igneous Petrology #7 (Binary Peritectic Phase diagram)
igneous 2 (20 pages)
Igneous Petrology #8 (Ternary Peritectic Phase diagram)
Igneous Petrology #9 (Ternary Solid Solution Phase diagram)
Igneous Petrology #10 (Ternary Solid Solution Phase diagram)
igneous 3 (12 pages)
All about Magma (20 pages)
Igneous Petrology #11 (Gabbroic Rocks)
Gabroic rocks
Igneous Petrology #12 (Gabbroic Rocks and Ultramafic and ultrabasic rocks)
Igneous Petrology #13 (Ultramafic and Ultrabasic rocks)
Igneous Petrology #14 (Ultramafic and Ultrabasic rocks contd)
Igneous Petrology #15 (Andesite, Dacite and Rhyolite)
Igneous Petrology #16 (Magma Series)
Igneous Petrology #17 (Granitic rocks)
Ultrabasic and Ultramafic rocks (24 pages)
Granitic rocks (19 pages)
Igneous Petrology #18 (Alkali Rock)
Alkali Rocks (32 pages)
Andesite Dacite Rholite (22 pages)
Metamorphic Petrology
#1 Introduction
Metamorphic Petrology #2 (Understanding P-T Graph)
Meta CBP#1
metamorphic Introduction (27 pages)
Metamorphic Petrology #3 (Metamorphic Rocks)
Metamorphic Petrology #4 (P-T Graphs)
Metamorphic Petrology #5 (Understanding Facies Series)
Metamorphic Petrology #6 (Triangular Diagram)
Metamorphic Petrology #7 (P-T-t)
Metamorphic Petrology #8 (Metamorphic Textures)
metamorphic rocks _ facies and fsacires series (44 pages)
Traingular diagram (27 pages)
Meta CBP#2
Metamorphic Petrology #9 (Metamorphic Textures contd)
Texture_Metmorphoc rocks (35 pages)
#1 Hydrogeology_Basics
#2 Hydrogeology_Occurence of GroundWater
Hydro CBP #1
#3 Hydrogeology_occurrence of GW
#4Hydrogeology_principles of GW
Hydrology1 (24 pages)
Hydrology2 (51 pages)
Hydrology3 (14 pages)
Hydro CBP #2
#4Hydrogeology_principles of GW_Contd
#5Hydrogeology_principles of GW_Contd
Hydrology4 (43 pages)
Hydro CBP #3
#6Hydrogeology_GW flow
#8 Hydrogeology_GW recharge and composition
hydrology5 (14 pages)
Groundwater composition (3 pages)
artificial recharge (26 pages)
Test Discussion_Hydrology
Paleontology_1 (Introduction)
Paleontology_1 (Revision)
Fosslization (22 pages)
Paleontology_2 (Archean and Hadean Eon)
Hadean Archean Proterozoic (29 pages)
Paleontology CBP#1
Paleontology_3 (Cambrian Explosion)
Paleontology_4_(Mid Palaeozoic)
Palaeozoic (47 pages)
Paleontology_5 (Late Palaeozoic)
Paleontology_5 (Mesozoic)
Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic (51 pages)
Paleontology_7 (K-T Extinction and Cenozoic)
Cretaceous-Tertiary (27 pages)
Paleontology_8 (Evolution of Mammals)
Recording - Paleontology_9 (Biostratigraphy) (54:00)
evolution of horse
Biostratigraphy (17 pages)
Paleontology_10 (Phylum Cnidarians, Bryozoans & Brachipods)
Paleontology_11 (Phylum Bivalves)
BIVALVES (34 pages)
Paleontology CBP#2
Paleontology_12 (Gastropods and Cephalopods)
Paleontology_13 (Trilobites & Graptolites)
Trilobites and Graptolites (25 pages)
Paleontology_14 (Echinoids & Gondwana)
Echinodermata and Gondwana Flora (35 pages)
Geomorphology#1_(Glacial Climate)
Geomorphology#2_(Glacial Climate contd)
Glacial 1 (39 pages)
Geomorphology#3_(Glacial Climate contd)
Geomorphology#4_(shoreline processes)
Glacial 2 (38 pages)
Geomorphology CBP#1
Geomorphology#5_(shoreline processes)
Shoreline processes (82 pages)
Geomorphology CBP#2
Geomorphology#6_(Aeolian processes)
Geomorphology#7_(Aeolian processes cont.)
Aeolian landforms (62 pages)
Geomorphology#8_(Fluvial processes cont.)
Fluvial 1 (30 pages)
Geomorphology#9_mass_wasting (cont.)
Mass wasting (19 pages)
Geomorphology#9_Fluvial Drainage
Geomorphology#10_Fluvial Drainage Patterns
Drainage pattern final (64 pages)
Geomorphology CBP#3
Geomorphology#11_Stream Power, Braiding Parameter etc
Geomorphology#12_Karst and Volcanic landforms
Geomorphology#1_Karst and Volcanic landforms contd
Volcanic landforms (25 pages)
Karst (19 pages)
Geochemistry_#1 (Basics)
Geochemistry_#1 (Basics contd.)
Geochemistry_#2 (Radioactive decay)
Geochemistry_#3 (Radioactive decay cont.)
Nuclear decay (23 pages)
Geochemistry_#4 (First order decay)
Geochemistry_#5 (Geochronology)
Geochemistry_#6 (Geochronology cont.)
Geochemistry_#7 (Geochronology cont.)
first order kinetics
Planet Earth
#1 Introduction to Solar System
Solar System and Earth (27 pages)
#2 Solar System and Earth
Keplers law (9 pages)
#3 Earth's composition
Earth composition (24 pages)
#4 Geotectonics
#5 Geotectonics ( cont. )
Geotectonics (59 pages)
#6 Triple Junctions
Triple Junction (19 pages)
#7 Earth's Gravity and Magnetism
Gravity and Isostasy (23 pages)
#8 Earth's Magnetism
#9 Earthquakes
#9 Earthquakes (cont.)
Gravity and Magnetic (32 pages)
Earthquake (49 pages)
Economic Geology
Economic Geology_1 (Introduction)
Economic Geology CBP_1
Economic Geology_1 (58 pages)
Economic Geology_1 (Ore forming Processes)
Economic Geology_2 (Ore forming Processes and Ore Deposit types)
Economic Geology_2 (Types of Ore deposits) (23 pages)
Economic Geology CBP_2
Economic Geology_3 (Ore Texture and Fluid inclusions)
Economic Geology_4 (Fluid inclusions and Ore Properties)
Economic Geology_3 (Ore textures) (21 pages)
Fluid inclusions (24 pages)
Economic Geology_5 (Ore reserve Estimation)
Economic Geology (Ore reserve Estimation) (28 pages)
Economic Geology_6 (Mining Method and Distribution)
Economic Geology (Mining methods) (28 pages)
Engineering Properties of Rock and Soil
Soil Properties #1 (Introduction)
Soil Properties #2 (Properties)
Engineering Geology (Soil Properties) (31 pages)
Soil Properties #3 (Rock Strength)
Rock Properties #3 (Rock Strength and Mega Strucutres)
rock strength (33 pages)
Mega Structures (31 pages)
Stratigraphic_Principles (21 pages)
Stratigraphy craton (27 pages)
Stratigraphy_Gondwana (24 pages)
Stratigraphy precambrian (14 pages)
Stratigraphy craton_mobile belts (9 pages)
Deccan traps and Himalayas (18 pages)
Stratigraphy_Paleozoic (21 pages)
Geotectonics (Triple Junction)
Triple Junction (19 pages)
Geotectonics (Convergent boundary)
Convergent boundary (20 pages)
Geotectonics (Rifting and Strike slip boundary)
Rifting (18 pages)
Basic PCM
Basic_Units and Geology_2
CBP#1 Trigonometry
Important Unit Conversions (23 pages)
Basic_Units and Graphs_4
CBP#2_Units and Graphs
Understanding Graphs (23 pages)
Mineralogy and Crystallography
Introduction (Minerals and their physical properties) (42 pages)
Mineralogy_2 (Mineral Group and Structure)
Mineral Groups (13 pages)
Crystal structures (16 pages)
Mineral_Physical properties
Voids coordination number and packing (19 pages)
Mineralogy_3 (Silicate Structure)
Mineralogy_4 (Silicate Structure contd.)
Silicate structures (32 pages)
Mineralogy_5 (Optical mineralogy)
Mineralogy_6 (Optical mineralogy contd.)
Optical mineralogy_1 (27 pages)
Mineralogy_7 (Interference Figure)
Mineralogy_8 (Extinction angle & Crystallography)
Mineralogy_9 (Crystallography)
Mineralogy_10 (Crystallography: H-M Symbol)
Mineralogy_11 (Crystallography: H-M Symbol contd.)
Mineralogy_12 (Crystallography: Stereoprojection)
Min & Cryst CBP_1
Mineralogy_13 (Crystallography: Miller Indices)
Mineralogy_14 (Crystallography: X-ray diffraction)
Mineralogy_15 (Twinning and Polymorphism)
Mineralogy_16 (Space group basics)
Sedimentary petrology
Sedimentology #1 weathering (48 pages)
#2_Sediment Transport
#3_Sediment Transport (Cont.)
Sedimentology #2 transport (35 pages)
CBP # 1
Sedimentology #3 mass wasting (42 pages)
Sedimentology #4 sedimentary_textures (12 pages)
#5_Sedimentology_Structures and Test discussion
Sedimentology #5 Bedding plane (16 pages)
Sedimentology #6 sedimentary_textures all (66 pages)
CBP # 2
#9_Sedimentary environment (cont.)
#10_Continental Deposits
Sedimentology #7 Sedimentary classification & Provenance (70 pages)
Sedimentology #8 & 9 sedimentary_environment (42 pages)
Sedimentology #10 sedimentary_environment (Contin) (30 pages)
CBP # 3
#11_Marine deposits
#12_Sequence Stratigraphy
Sedimentology #11 sedimentary_environment (marine) (22 pages)
Sedimentology #12 sequence stratigraphy (87 pages)
Sedimentology #13 Carbonates (26 pages)
Structural Geology
Structural Geology_1 (Introduction)
Structural Geology_2 (Folds)
Structural 1 primary structures (23 pages)
Structural 2 unconformity (39 pages)
Structural 3 folds_basics (71 pages)
Structural Geology_3 (Dip and Strike)
Structural 4 dip strike (11 pages)
Structural CBP # 1
Structural Geology_5 (Folds contd.)
Structural Geology_6 (Folds Classification)
Structural 5 &6 folds classification (55 pages)
Structural CBP # 2
Structural Geology_7 (Faults & its Classification)
Structural Geology_8 (Faults & its Classification contd.)
Structural Geology_9 (Maps)
Structural Geology_10 (Maps & Stereonet)
Structural Geology_11 (Maps & Stereonet contd.)
Strucutral 7& 8 faults (44 pages)
Structural Geology_9&10 Stratum contour (51 pages)
Structural Geology_10&11 Stereonet (14 pages)
Structural Geology_12 Thrust faults
Strucutral 12 Thrust faults (24 pages)
Structural 13 thrust faults (Cont.)
Structural 14 Normal and strike slip fault system
Structural 13 & 14 Thrust, normal and strike slip faults (33 pages)
Structural Tertiary Structures
Coal and Petroleum
Coal and Petroleum_1
Coal and Petroleum_1 (18 pages)
Coal and Petroleum_2
Coal and Petroleum_2 (15 pages)
Coal and Petroleum_3
Coal and Petroleum_3
Coal and Petroleum_4
Coal and Petroleum_4 (14 pages)
Coal and Petroleum_5 (22 pages)
Igneous Petrology
Igneous CBP_1
Igneous_3_Textures II
Igneous_4_Phase Diagram (Binary)
Igneous CBP_2
Igneous_5_Phase Diagram (Binary contd.)
Igneous_6_Phase Diagram (BInary & Ternary)
Igneous_7_Phase Diagram (Ternary)
Igneous_8_Phase Diagram (Ternary Solid Solution)
Igneous_9_Understanding Magma
Igneous_10_Gabbroic rocks
Igneous_11_Ultramfic and Ultrabasic rocks
Igneous_12_Granitic rocks
Igneous_13_Alakli rocks
Hydrology1 (25 pages)
Hydrology#2_Occurrence of groundwater
Hydrology2 (51 pages)
Hydrology CBP#1
Hydrology#3_Darcy's law
Hydrology3 (47 pages)
Hydrology CBP#2
Hydrology#4_Groundwater flow
Hydrology CBP#3
Hydrology4 (31 pages)
Metamorphism_1 (Introduction)
Metamorphism_2 (Metamorphic rock and facies)
Metamorphism_3 (Metamorphic triangular diagram)
Metamorphism_4 (Metamorphic triangular diagram contd.)
Metamorphism_5 (Metamorphic texture contd.)
Glacial Environment
Glacial Environment (Cont.)
Glacial 1 (31 pages)
Glacial 2 (32 pages)
Aeolian landform
Shoreline landforms
Lecture 3 Desert_and_Dunes (62 pages)
Lecture 4 Mass wasting (19 pages)
Lecture 5 Shoreline processes (80 pages)
Fluvial and Weathering
Types of soils
Lecture 6 Fluvial 1st part (30 pages)
Lecture 7 Weathering and Soil (27 pages)
12Types of soils (4 pages)
Fluvial- Drainage pattern
Fluvial- Drainage pattern_Rivers
Volcanic and Karst Landforms
Fluvial CBP
Paleo_1 (Fossilization)
Paleo_2 (Hadean, Archean and Proterozoic Eons)
Paleo_3 (Paleozoic)
Paleo_4 (Paleozoic contd.)
Paleo_5 (K-T boundary and cenozoic)
Paleo_6 (Evolution of Hore, Elephant and Humans)
Paleo_7 (Cladistics and Bio-stratigraphy)
Cladistics (28 pages)
Paleo_8 (Cnidarian. bryozoa and brachiopods)
Paleo_9 (Gastropods and Cephalopods)
Paleo_10 (Trilobites and Graptolites)
Paleo_11 (Echinoderms)
Paleo_12 (Microfossil and Foraminifera)

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