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IIT-JAM Video Lectures 2024-25 (New Set)

Language: English+Hindi

Instructors: Harsh Sir and Sagar Sir

Validity Period: 365 days

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Geology GATE/NET Video lectures

Demo Lectures: 

Demo 1
Demo 2

Topics covered:

  1. Metamorphic petrology
  2. Igneous petrology
  3. Sedimentology
  4. Structural geology
  5. Palaeontology
  6. Remote sensing
  7. Ore geology and coal and petroleum
  8. Geophysics and geophysical methods
  9. Geomorphology
  10. Geochemistry
  11. Engineering Geology
  12. Mineralogy and crystallography
  13. Indian Stratigraphy
  14. Oceanography
  15. Climatology
  16. Aptitude


  1. All topics for GATE/NET exam covered.
  2. Special focus on NAT is given in all topics.
  3. Focus is to make concept stronger so that aspirant can face any question with comfort and ease
  4. Faculty are experienced and love teaching geology. Our faculty

Please join a test series and solve thoroughly. Identify your weak areas and revise them. Make best use of the video lectures

Course Curriculum

The Planet Earth
Recording - #1 Introduction to Solar System
Recording - #2 Solar System and Earth
Recording - #3 Earth's composition
Recording - #4 Geotectonics
Recording - #5 Geotectonics ( cont. )
#6 Triple Junctions
Recording - #7 Earth's Gravity and Magnetism
Recording - #8 Earth's Magnetism
Recording - #9 Earthquakes
Recording - #9 Earthquakes (cont.)
Solar System and Earth
Keplers law
Earth composition
Triple Junction
Gravity and Isostasy
Gravity and Magnetic
Recording - Geomorphology#1_(Glacial Climate)
Recording - Geomorphology#2_(Glacial Climate contd)
Recording - Geomorphology#3_(Glacial Climate contd)
Recording - Geomorphology#4_(shoreline processes)
Recording - Geomorphology#5_(shoreline processes)
Recording - Geomorphology#6_(Aeolian processes)
Recording - Geomorphology#7_(Aeolian processes cont.)
Recording - Geomorphology#8_(Fluvial processes cont.)
Recording - Geomorphology#9_mass_wasting
Recording - Geomorphology#9_mass_wasting (cont.)
Recording - Geomorphology#9_Fluvial Drainage
Recording - Geomorphology#10_Fluvial Drainage Patterns
Recording - Geomorphology#11_Karst and Volcanic landforms
Recording - Geomorphology#12_Karst and Volcanic landforms
Recording - Geomorphology#13_Karst and Volcanic landforms contd
Glacial 2
Glacial 1
Shoreline processes
Aeolian landforms
Fluvial 1
Mass wasting
Drainage pattern final
Volcanic landforms
Structural Geology (New Videos)
Recording - Structural_#1_Primary structures & Unconformity
Recording - Structural_#2_Folds_basics
Recording - Structural_#3_Dip and strike
Recording - Structural_#4_Fold_classification
Recording - Structural_#5_Fold (cont.)
Recording - Structural_#6_Fold_Ramsay's Classification
Recording - Structural_#7_Introduction to faults
Recording - Structural_#8_Faults
Recording - Structural_#9_Faults
Recording - Structural_#10_Normal Faults
Recording - Structural Geology (Stress and Strain)
Recording - Structural Geology (Stress and Mohr's Circle)
Recording - Structural Geology (Types of Stress)
Recording - Structural Geology (Strain)
Recording - Structural Geology (Strain Analysis)
Recording - Structural Geology_11 (Rock Deformation)
Recording - Structural Geology_12 (Fracture Criteria)
Recording - Structural Geology_13 (Mechanism of Folding)
Recording - Structural Geology_14 (Mechanism of Folding)
Recording - Structural Geology_15 (Tertiary Structures)
Recording - Structural Geology_16 (Tertiary Structures contd)
Structural 1 primary structures
Structural 2 unconformity
Structural 3 folds_basics
Structural 4 folds (II) a
Structural 4 folds (III)
Strucutral 5 faults
Strucutral 6 faults Systems
Structural 6 stress and strain
Structural_Experimental Rock Deformation
Tertiary structures (Foliation and Lineations)
Structural (Mechanism of Folding)
Paleontology (New Set)
Recording - Paleontology_17 (Foraminifera)
Recording - Paleontology_16 (Microfossils)
Recording - Paleontology_15 (Cladistics)
Recording - Paleontology_14 (Echinoids & Gondwana)
Recording - Paleontology_13 (Trilobites & Graptolites)
Recording - Paleontology_12 (Gastropods and Cephalopods)
Recording - Paleontology_11 (Phylum Bivalves)
Recording - Paleontology_10 (Phylum Cnidarians, Bryozoans & Brachipods)
Recording - Paleontology_9 (Biostratigraphy)
Recording - Paleontology_8 (Evolution of Mammals)
Recording - Paleontology_7 (K-T Extinction and Cenozoic)
Recording - Paleontology_5 (Mesozoic)
Recording - Paleontology_5 (Late Palaeozoic)
Recording - Paleontology_1 (Revision)
Recording - Paleontology_4_(Mid Palaeozoic)
Recording - Paleontology_4 (Mid Palaeozoic)
Recording - Paleontology_3 (Cambrian Explosion)
Recording - Paleontology_2 (Archean and Hadean Eon)
Recording - Paleontology_1 (Introduction)
Hadean Archean Proterozoic
Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic
Evolution of horse
Trilobites and Graptolites
Echinodermata and Gondwana Flora
Indian Stratigraphy
Recording - Stratigraphy_Principles_#1
Recording - Stratigraphy_Precambrian_Basement_#2
Recording - Stratigraphy_Proterozoic_Cover_#3
Recording - Stratigraphy_Phanerozoic_#4
Recording - Stratigraphy_Phanerozoic_Contd_#5
Recording - Stratigraphy_Phanerozoic_Contd_#5
Stratigraphy craton_mobile belts
Stratigraphy craton
Stratigraphy precambrian
Deccan traps and Himalayas
Mineralogy and Crystallography (New Videos)
Recording - Min & Cryst #1_Introduction to the Topic
Recording - Understanding Voids
Recording - Min & Cryst #1_Understanding Mineral Structures_Part-2
Recording - Min & Cryst #1_Understanding Mineral Structures_Part-3
Recording - Min & Cryst #1_Understanding Optical Mineralogy_Part-1
Recording - Min & Cryst #1_Understanding Optical Mineralogy_Part-2
Recording - Min & Cryst #1_Understanding Optical Mineralogy_Part-3 (Double Refraction and Uniaxial Minerals)
Recording - Min & Cryst #8_Understanding Optical Mineralogy_Part-4 (Birefringence and Interference figure))
Recording - Min & Cryst #9_Understanding Optical Mineralogy_Part-5 (Interference figure)
Recording - Min & Cryst #10_Understanding Optical Mineralogy_Part-5 (Biaxial Minerals)
Recording - Min & Cryst #11_Understanding Optical Mineralogy_Part-5 (Extinction angle)
Recording - Min & Cryst #12_Crystallography_Part-1 (Introduction)
Recording - Min & Cryst #13_Crystallography_Part-2 (H-M Symbol)
Recording - Min & Cryst #14_Crystallography_Part-3 (H-M Symbol)
Recording - Min & Cryst #15_Crystallography_Part-3 (Stereo-projection of H-M Symbols)
Recording - Min & Cryst #16_Crystallography_Part-4 (Crystallographic Calculations)
Recording - Min & Cryst #17_Crystallography_Part-4 (Crystallographic Calculations)
Recording - Min & Cryst #18_Crystallography_Part-5 (Crystallographic Calculations)
Recording - Min & Cryst #19_Crystallography_Part-7 (Twinning & Polymorphism)
Recording - Crystallography (X-ray Diffraction)
MIneralogy_Physical Properties
Double refraction and Uniaxial mineral
H-M symbol
Stereoprojection of H-M Symbol
Crystallographic Calculations
x-ray diffraction
Twinning & polymorphism
Space group
Igneous Petrology (New Videos)
Recording - Igneous Petrology #1 (Introduction)
Recording - Igneous Petrology #2 (Igneous Rock Classification)
Recording - Igneous Petrology #3 (Mineral Growth and Textures)
Recording - Igneous Petrology #4 (Textures)
Recording - Igneous Petrology #5 (Phase Rule and Phase diagram)
Recording - Igneous Petrology #5 (Binary Phase diagram)
Recording - Igneous Petrology #6 (Binary Peritectic Phase diagram)
Recording - Igneous Petrology #7 (Binary Peritectic Phase diagram)
Recording - Igneous Petrology #8 (Ternary Peritectic Phase diagram)
Recording - Igneous Petrology #9 (Ternary Solid Solution Phase diagram)
Recording - Igneous Petrology #10 (Magma evolution)
Recording - Igneous Petrology #11 (Gabbroic Rocks)
Recording - Igneous Petrology #12 (Gabbroic Rocks and Ultramafic and ultrabasic rocks)
Recording - Igneous Petrology #13 (Ultramafic and Ultrabasic rocks)
Recording - Igneous Petrology #14 (Ultramafic and Ultrabasic rocks contd)
Recording - Igneous Petrology #15 (Andesite, Dacite and Rhyolite)
Recording - Igneous Petrology #16 (Magma Series)
Recording - Igneous Petrology #17 (Granitic rocks)
Recording - Igneous Petrology #18 (Alkali Rock)
Igneous 1
Igneous 2
Igneous 3
All about Magma
Gabbroic rocks
ultrabasic and ultramafic rocks
Granitic rocks
Andesite Dacite Rhyolite
Alkali Rocks
Metamorphic Petrology (New Videos)
Recording - #1 Introduction
Recording - Metamorphic Petrology #2 (Understanding P-T Graph)
Recording - Metamorphic Petrology #3 (Question Facies)
Recording - Metamorphic Petrology #4 (Understanding Facies Series)
Recording - Metamorphic Petrology #5 (Triangular Diagram)
Recording - Metamorphic Petrology #6 (Triangular Diagram)
Recording - Metamorphic Petrology #7 (P-T-t)
Recording - Metamorphic Petrology #8 (Metamorphic Textures)
Recording - Metamorphic Petrology #9 (Metamorphic Textures contd)
metamorphic Introduction
metamorphic rocks _ facies and facies series
Triangular diagram
Texture_Metmorphic rocks
Sedimentology (New Set)
Recording - Sedimentology_1(Introduction)
Recording - Sedimentology_2 (Weathering)
Recording - Sedimentology_2 (Transport)
Recording - Sedimentology_2 (Transport Contd)
Recording - Sedimentology_3 (Transport Contd)
Recording - Sedimentology_4 (Mass wasting)
Recording - Sedimentology_5 (Sediment Structures)
Recording - Sedimentology_6_Sediment Structures
Recording - Sedimentology_7_(Sediment Structures cont.)
Recording - Sedimentology_8_Soft Sediments Structures
Recording - Sedimentology_9_Sedimentary Textures
Recording - Sedimentology_10_Classification
Recording - Sedimentology_11_Classification (Cont.)
Recording - Sedimentology_12_Environments
Recording - Sedimentology #13 Carbonates
Recording - Sedimentology_13_Fluvial_Environments
Recording - Sedimentology_14_Fluvial_Environments (cont)
Recording - Sedimentology_15_Fulvial_braided
Recording - Sedimentology_15_Continental environments
Recording - Sedimentology_16_Marine environments
Recording - Sedimentology_17_Sequence_stratigraphy
Recording - Sedimentology_18_Sequence_stratigraphy (cont)
Sedimentology #1 weathering
Sedimentology #2 transport basics
Sedimentology #2 transport
Sedimentology #3 mass wasting
Sedimentology #4 Structures_Bedding
Sedimentology #5 Structures_Bedding_2
Sedimentology #9 Sedimentary environment
Sedimentology #6 Soft sediment structures
Sedimentology #7 sedimentary_textures
Sedimentology #8 Sedimentary_classification
Sedimentology #10 meandering and braided
Sedimentology #10 Continental_environment
Sedimentology #11_Marine environment
Sedimentology #12 sequence stratigraphy
Economic Geology (New set)
Recording - Economic Geology_1 (Introduction)
Recording - Economic Geology_1 (Ore forming Processes)
Recording - Economic Geology_2 (Ore forming Processes and Ore Deposit types)
Recording - Economic Geology_3 (Ore Texture and Fluid inclusions)
Recording - Economic Geology_4 (Fluid inclusions and Ore Properties)
Economic Geology_1
Economic Geology_2 (Types of Ore deposits)
Economic Geology_3 (Ore textures)
Fluid inclusions
Economic Geology (Ore reserve Estimation)
Economic Geology (Mining methods)
Coal and Petroleum
Coal and Petroleum_1
Coal and Petroleum_2
Coal and Petroleum_3
Coal and Petroleum_4
Coal and Petroleum_5
Recording - Coal and Petroleum #1
Recording - Coal and Petroleum #2
Recording - Coal and Petroleum #3
Recording - Coal and Petroleum #4
Recording - Coal and Petroleum #5
Applied Geology
Recording - #1 Hydrogeology_Basics
Recording - #2 Hydrogeology_Occurence of GroundWater
Recording - #3 Hydrogeology_occurrence of GW
Recording - #4Hydrogeology_principles of GW
Recording - #4Hydrogeology_principles of GW_Contd
Recording - #5Hydrogeology_principles of GW_Contd
Recording - #6Hydrogeology_GW flow
Recording - #7Hydrogeology_GW storage
Recording - #8 Hydrogeology_GW recharge and composition
artificial recharge
Groundwater composition
Recording - Geotectonics (Plate Tectonics)
Recording - Geotectonics (Triple Junction)
Recording - Geotectonics (Convergent boundary)
Recording - Geotectonics (Rifting and Strike slip boundary)
Continental drift
Triple Junction
Convergent boundary
Engineering Properties of Rock and Soil
Recording - Soil Properties #1 (Introduction)
Recording - Soil Properties #2 (Properties)
Recording - Soil Properties #3 (Rock Strength)
Recording - Rock Properties #3 (Rock Strength and Mega Strucutres)
Recording - Rock Properties #4 (direct and Tri-axial shear test)
Engineering Geology (Soil Properties)
Mega Structures
rock strength
Shear and Triaxial Test
Geochemistry Basics
Recording - Geochemistry_#1 (Basics)
Recording - Geochemistry_#1 (Basics contd.)
Recording - Geochemistry_#2 (Radioactive decay)
Recording - Geochemistry_#3 (Radioactive decay cont.)
Recording - Geochemistry_#4 (First order decay)
Recording - Geochemistry_#5 (Geochronology)
Recording - Geochemistry_#6 (Geochronology cont.)
Recording - Geochemistry_#7 (Geochronology cont.)
first order kinetics

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